I have made my decision… I have decided to have Radiotherapy. I was nervous at the prospect of having this treatment as I knew it could lead to other more serious cancers. Also I did not know enough about Radiotherapy to feel happy with what I was going to put myself through. There was only one thing for it I had to start talking to people and start researching. I had to make a decision that I would be comfortable with. Though at the start the more advice I seeked the more confused I got but by talking to different people I realised my condition in a way was unique, like no other. Although someone may be diagnosed with the same disease their bodies react differently, you could say individually, to the treatment. I had to feel confident about my decision, to feel that I had understood my next step and knew what it would entail. This was a hard decision but when it came down to it I had to have faith in my Doctors opinion.
The first stage of Radiotherapy was to get a tattoo! Well three in fact. This would show where the radio beam would be directed. Now don’t start getting ideas. They are not massive arrows or treasure map crosses but tiny dots no bigger than a pin prick on my chest and under my arms. They help the Radiographers to position me in the exact same way for every treatment. My treatment takes place Monday to Friday everyday except for weekends. The treatment will last one month, which is 22 sessions of Radiotherapy. I am 14 session in so not long now!!!
Getting the little tattoo’s made me think about how my treatments had changed me and more noticeably how it has changed my body and skin. Though I have lost my hair (which is starting to come back as you can see from the photo) and gained a bit of weight these things will gradually go back to normal but there are changes that will be permanently with me. My three little dots got me thinking about how all our bodies tell stories through Scars, birth marks, tattoo’s, scratches and burns. Each are etched by time. They show your personal stories some good, some bad, some funny and probably some we would much rather forget. I do not quite know what I think about my marks yet but I know I am not the same person as I was a few months ago.
